Thursday, June 28, 2012

Edit your videos with Youtube

YouTube Video Enhancements lets webmaster add tweaks and effects to their videos in an easy way. Video Enhancements takes tools from the YouTube Video Editor, allowing webmaster to either enhance their eligible videos while maintaining the video’s ID, or save a new copy creating an entirely new video with their edits (through Save as). Saving changes on their video will allow webmaster to apply Quick Fixes and Effects while retaining their video’s unique URL, view count, comments, etc.

To access YouTube Video Enhancements, simply visit the Watch page of the video, webmaster want to edit, or:
  1. Log in to YouTube account
  2. Click username (located in the top right corner of any page) and select Video Manager
  3. On the right of the video, (which video webmaster wish to edit), click Edit button
  4. Webmaster will be taken to the edit info page for the video. Click Enhancements to start editing the video.
From this view, webmaster can easily shorten their video (Trim), reduce camera shake (Stabilize), turn their video into a black and white film (Black and White effect), and much more.

Note : In order to be eligible for saving changes on webmaster’s video through YouTube Video Enhancements, the video must :

  • Not have received over 1,000 views.
  • Not have a Content ID Match (Copyright infringements for Video or Music)

If webmaster’s video does not meet these conditions, they will not be able to save changes made to their video. Webmaster can still choose to Save As creating a new video with a new video URL that will contain the edits, but they will not be able to save changes to the original video.

Quick Fixes :

Under the Quick Fixes tab, webmaster can Trim and Rotate their video (represented by the buttons on the left of the edit screen), as well as adjust the Fill Light, Contrast, Color Intensity, etc. of their video.

To allow YouTube to make a smart change for webmaster’s video, Press the button on the far left titled, (I’m Feeling Lucky). This will apply YouTube's best guess for fixes that will enhance their video.

Webmaster can compare their edited video to the original by pressing play in the player box. Changes will not be committed until webmaster click Save at the top of the page, so webmaster have the ability to freely experiment and play. When webmaster click Save, their changes will go live on that video meaning YouTube Video Editing will not create a new video ID or URL for that video, and other users will not be able to see the unaltered video. To create a new video, click Save As.

Trimming :

To trim webmaster’s video to make it shorter, click the Trim  button in the top left of the Video Editing page. A thumbnail timeline of their video will appear beneath the player. Drag the large brackets on either side of the video frames to shorten video, or use the smaller arrows above and beneath the brackets to nudge the trimmers left or right. Webmaster can preview their changes before committing the changes by pressing Play in the player above. Once webmaster are satisfied with their changes, They can click on Done for saving changes in video.

Webmaster can always return to their clip and undo Trimming changes they have made. This holds true even after they published their changes. Simply return to the Video Editing page and click Trim. Nudge the arrows back to their previous location to undo their Trimming change.

Stabilizing :

Webmaster can make their video more stable (mitigating the effects of camera shake) by clicking the Stabilize button on the right. Stabilization will crop the sides of their video.

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